Whole House Fan Blog

  • Exhaust Fans for Horse Stables

    Whether you have to maintain a horse stable for work or pleasure, you know caring for horses is a lot of work. You need to keep horses happy, fed, watered, cool, and you need to ensure the stables stay maintained.

    Unfortunately, poorly ventilated horse stables are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures, high humidity, rot, mold, poor air quality, and most of all, bad smells.

    It’s easy for air to get trapped in the stables and that’s not good for you, your horses, or the stables themselves. Left to time, any poorly ventilated space can result in costly future repairs along with health risks.

    Luckily, it’s not the 1800s anymore and there’s a simple fix to this problem… exhaust fans.

  • How to Improve the Air Quality in Your Garage

    Have you ever walked into your garage in the summer and noticed it’s scorching hot or humid? Have you ever noticed the strong smell of fumes? Or felt slick floors or seen condensation on the windows? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your garage likely has ventilation problems. and therefore the air quality is suffering.

    The scary thing about poor air quality is that while sometimes there are obvious signs it needs improving, other times indoor air pollutants can go unnoticed. Garages are one of the big culprits when it comes to exposing ourselves to indoor air pollution. Plus, if you have an attached garage, air pollution can leak into the rest of your home, exposing you and your family even when you’re not in the garage.

    While poor air quality is a big problem, fixing it in your garage is a breeze. Here are some ways you can improve air quality in your garage:

  • 4 Reasons Why Home Attic Fans Might Be Your Summertime Savior

    Since they're right under the roof, attics take the brunt of the sun's heat. This direct exposure makes them heat up much faster than the rest of y...
  • Getting a New Roof This Spring? Don’t Forget About Adding an Attic Fan

    For many people, spring cleaning means renovations and home repairs. As the winter is left behind, this may mean getting a new roof for your home. Whether it’s due to an expansion or renovation or simply an upgrade, there are a lot of considerations to getting a new roof.

    In addition to the obvious considerations like the type of roof and the roofing company, another thing you should consider is adding an attic fan. Attic fans are easy to install and they’re affordable, so adding this to your to-dos will be next to nothing besides the roof replacement. Plus, adding an attic fan comes with a long list of benefits for your home and your roof itself.

  • Whole House Fans and Moisture Control

    Nobody likes it when there’s too much moisture in the home. Humid air is sticky and uncomfortable. It can make it hard to get cool or warm up when the air is too moist.

    Not to mention all of the other problems moisture can cause in your home, resulting in mold, mildew, rot, and other issues.

    While moisture is a major problem, the solution is a minor fix. Simply installing and operating a whole house fan can fix the problem, while providing additional benefits too.

  • When are the Best Times to Run a Whole House Fan?

    Whole house fans are becoming increasingly popular as a replacement or supplement to traditional air conditioning that is both expensive and environmentally unfriendly. Whole house fans use significantly less electricity than air conditioning, making them the best money-saving and eco-friendly approach to cooling the home.

  • Beat the Garage Heat: Your Guide to Cooling Fans

    If you enjoy spending time in your garage working on projects, hobbies, or your car, you've probably experienced the unbearable heat that can build up — especially in the summer and sometimes all year round if your garage lacks
  • Best Ways to Get Rid of Stale Air in My Home

    Ever come back from a weekend trip just a visit to the grocery store and noticed that the air in your home is stale? When it feels old, musty, thick, and a little bit smelly, it’s probably stale.
  • What to Know About Residential Ventilation

    Everybody relies on ventilation to some degree. Commercial industries need the right ventilation to ensure the reliable manufacture and transportation of products, and at home, we rely on ventilation to be comfortable and healthy.

    Even those of us who live in a climate that is temperate and relatively comfortable year-round need ventilation. Without it, even if the air temperature is comfortable, the air would become stale, humid, and polluted. Below, we’ll briefly go over everything you need to know about residential ventilation.

  • Best Practices for Installing a Solar Attic Fan

    Tucked away at the top of your home, the attic is easy to forget about. While you don’t need to devote loads of your time to maintaining the perfect, healthy attic, a little attention throughout the year can go a long way. Luckily, most attics aren’t high maintenance, and the best way to maintain the attic is to use an attic fan to ensure round-the-clock ventilation.

    Attic fans ensure your attic stays cool and dry, preventing the buildup of warm, humid air that can cause mold, mildew, and rot in the summer and ice dams in the winter. Using an attic fan will also keep the rest of your home cooler by preventing hot attic air from leaking into the rest of your home. If you use an AC, it’s a good way to make your AC work less hard at cooling your home, thus saving you energy.

    If you want to go a step further and save even more energy, switching to a solar attic fan is the way to go.

  • Can Whole House Fans Help With Carbon Neutrality?

    In a world where climate change is an ever-increasing danger and reality, both businesses and individuals are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact and become more sustainable.

    While everyday methods like recycling and using reusable bottles and bags are helpful in reducing the amount of waste we create, there’s a whole lot more we can do.

    One goal that many environmentally-friendly-minded businesses and individuals have to become more sustainable is becoming carbon neutral. Becoming carbon neutral requires many changes, both big and small.

    So recognizing the energy efficiency of whole house fans… can whole house fans help you become carbon neutral?

  • Whole House Fan for New Construction

    If your home has recently had construction or construction is still ongoing, you may be wondering how to ventilate the space.

    When sawdust, dust, and fumes from construction buildup it can leave a lingering smell for new construction and leak into other parts of the home if proper ventilation isn’t carried out. In this way, ventilating new construction benefits workers and homeowners — neither of them has to endure poor air pollution, bad smells, or high temperatures.