Whole House Fan Blog

  • Choosing the Right Fan: A Guide to Garage Exhaust Fan Features

    You might not give much thought to how comfortable your garage is during the hottest times of the day. After all, you don’t spend as much time there as the living spaces in your home. But as you know, heat and humidity can take a toll on any space—including your garage.

  • Does it Help to Run a Whole House Fan during a Heat Wave?

    Whole house fans are a great way to keep cool without wasting energy and money. People use them as an alternative or supplement to traditional air conditioning, depending on where they live.

    If you have a whole house fan or are considering one, you may be wondering if you can use it during a heat wave. Below, we’ll go over how whole house fans can work and how they can help you in a heat wave.

  • What Factors Do I Need to Consider When Sizing a Whole House Fan?

    So you’ve decided to buy a whole house fan… congratulations! Before long you’ll begin enjoying the cooling comfort and energy savings of your new appliance. But before you jump in and make a purchase, there are some factors you need to take into account, because not all whole house fans are the same.

    There are a number of considerations that differentiate one whole house fan from another, and one of the most important is sizing. Whole house fans are not one size fits all. Get a whole house fan that’s too small for your home and it’ll be ineffective, get a fan that’s too big and it could create uncomfortable pressure differences in the house and waste energy.

    Below, we’ll go over some factors to consider when sizing your whole house fan.

  • Will an Attic Fan Save Me Money on My Energy Utility Bill?

    The summer heat is only getting worse, and along with it, energy prices are skyrocketing. It’s not uncommon for Americans to ask themselves, “Do I want to be comfortable and cool or save money?”, thanks to the high utility costs.

    While air conditioning does use up a lot of energy, there are ways you can reduce how much energy it uses and thereby stay cool this summer without hurting your wallet.

    One of the simplest and most effective ways to save money on your energy bill is to use an attic fn.

  • Difference Between Pre-cooling and Thermal Mass Cooling

    Whole house fans are the best way to cool down your home without hurting your budget. They’re energy-efficient appliances that circulate air throughout the home and exhaust trapped hotter air.

    Not only are whole house fans great for staying cool and enjoying a nice breeze inside the home, but they can also be used to cool the home in anticipation and as a result of hot days due to their pre-cooling and thermal mass cooling abilities.

  • Cost-Effective Cooling: Benefits of a Home Attic Fan

    Your attic is essentially a big empty box sitting right under the roof. The sun beats down on that roof all day during the summer, turning your att...
  • The Evolution of Modern Whole House Fans

    Whole house fans have been around for many years now, and modern editions have come a long way from their 20th-century roots. Below, we’ll discuss how whole house fans have evolved, and the best contemporary whole house fans on the market today.

  • What Did People Do Before Air Conditioning?

    If you live in a region with a hot climate or one that experiences hot summers, you’re probably very glad when you can escape to cooler temperature...
  • Whole House Fans and Humidity Control

    Whole house fans are one of those rare appliances that once you install them into your home, you never look back. The benefits of using a whole house fan are huge. Whole house fans remove heat from your home, keeping you cool. They provide a comforting breeze. They remove indoor air pollution. They’re fantastic at lowering humidity levels indoors, which is something other cooling systems like air conditioners just can’t tackle.

    Below, we’ll go over how whole house fans work and how they can help you control the humidity in your home.

  • Energy Efficient Cooling Tips

    Did you know that almost half of the energy your household consumes goes to power heating and cooling systems? This figure is probably even higher during hot summers when you’re struggling to keep cool inside.

    Because of how much energy our cooling systems consume, by making small changes to increase energy efficiency, we can create big energy savings. Below, we’ll go over some ways to make your cooling more energy-efficient.

  • Optimizing Home Comfort: Top Quiet Attic Fan Solutions

    Is your attic summer-ready? It can quickly become a scorching zone during the summer, sometimes reaching temperatures of 150 degrees Fahrenheit wit...
  • What is Natural Home Cooling?

    Trying to escape the summer heat can be difficult. To make it even worse, you have to consider whether you want to use tons of energy and run your AC all day. Doing so is both expensive and isn’t doing any favors for the environment. Plus, when lots of people are blasting their AC during heat waves, it puts extra strain on the power grid and can lead to outages.

    To resolve these issues, people have begun turning towards natural home cooling methods.