5 Causes of Mold in Your Attic: And What You Can Do About It!
If you smell a damp, musty odor within your home and you’re not sure where it’s coming from, you might have mold in your attic. Think about it, your attic is probably a rarely visited space in comparison with other areas of your home, and moisture can frequently accumulate unbeknownst to you and your family.
Mold not only affects the smell of your home, it can also be detrimental to your health and well-being as well as negatively affecting the actual materials your home is made of. Here, we look at five causes of mold in your attic that you might not know about.
Ice dams
These occur when water from your roof doesn’t drain effectively and freezes. This ends up backing up into your property via your attic as the stagnant water has nowhere to go, and creates mold growth. If you’re facing this problem in your home, an attic fan, such as the Attic Gable Fan QuietCool AFG PRO-3.0 3013 CFM, can significantly help.
Inadequate attic ventilation
Although it may sound strange, the best way to help ventilate your attic space is to ensure it’s as cool as possible during cold weather. It’s only natural to believe the opposite and to insulate your roof decking as well as sealing your attic vents to try to save money on your bills. However, this creates the perfect environment for mold to grow, trapping warm and moist air within the space.
With this is mind, again, investing in an attic fan, like the QuietCool AFG ES-1500 Attic Fan, can help deter that mold problem.
Roof leaks
It’s good practice to regularly check your attic for leaks, particularly after storms and high winds. Occasionally, you may be able to see water leaking through into your home, however there are other types of water damage that aren’t as obvious.
If you notice any holes, damage or leaks in your roof area, get these repaired as soon as possible so more problems don’t arise in the future.
Improper venting from other areas
If you have bathroom or kitchen fans, dryer vents or plumbing vents connected to your attic, moist air is being pumped into your space, creating mold growth. You’re far better re-routing these vents outside.
Improperly installed or missing insulation
If your insulation is improperly installed or is missing, moisture can rise into your attic, get trapped, and can cause mold growth. If you’re in doubt about your insulation, speak with a professional.
A moldy attic is an unhealthy one. Through identifying these common causes of attic mold, you can determine exactly how to get rid of it, and better still, to stop it from growing in the first place.
If you’re looking to add an attic fan to your home, we can help. Talk to us here at WholeHouseFan.com at 1.888.229.5757 to learn about your options.