Can I Use My Air Conditioning While Using My Whole House Fan?

Essentially, you can use your AC unit and your whole house fan together. However, if the air outdoors is cooler than the air indoors, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to turn your air conditioning system on. Typically, people who live in areas that get hot during the day and cooler at night often turn their whole house fans on once the temperature outside gets below 70°F.

Using a whole house fan reduces the need for air conditioning. Humidity and the temperature outdoors will determine when it would be more ideal to use your whole house fan over your air conditioner. In some instances, this type of fan can be used on a seasonal basis (i.e. in the spring and fall months) when you have both cooling methods accessible. This will allow you to benefit from both comfort and money savings.

How a Whole House Fan Operates
This fan works by pulling air in from open windows and exhausting it through the roof and attic. It provides whole house cooling and good attic ventilation. It should provide your home with 30-60 air temperature degree changes an hour, per the U.S. Department of Energy, which can vary with your floor plan, climate, and so forth. The climate you live in will determine what your air-change rate will be and how often you will use your whole house fan.

If you’re handy, you can install a whole house fan yourself. That said, it can be be a little challenging installing a whole house fan; therefore, it is better done by an experienced professional. They will take measurements of your attic and install circuit wiring and new attic vents if needed.

What are the Benefits?

Energy Efficiency
This fan, depending on the size of it, uses around 90 percent less energy that an AC unit does. Plus, it keeps your entire home comfortable and cool as opposed to a window unit and still uses much less electricity.

A Smart Investment
Installing a whole house fan offers a great return on your investment. They are inexpensive, even when hiring a technician to install it, and they typically pay for themselves after only a few seasons of use. They are really hard to beat when it comes to cost-effective cooling.

Cools your Home Down Quickly
When you have a fan that is sized properly for your house, it only takes around 2-3 minutes to make a complete air exchange. Not only will 5-10 air exchanges cool the air, but also your furnishings and walls too. Things like these can contribute to heat buildup since they absorb the heat during the day and release it at night. Your entire home should be cooled sufficiently after only about 20 minutes of running your fan.

Overall, whole house fans are energy efficient, and provide effective cooling. They are easy to operate and inexpensive, saving you more money on your energy bills versus an air conditioning system. Talk to your HVAC professional today about installing one.

Here at, we’re celebrating 15 years of selling satisfied customers whole house fans. Call us today at 1.888.229.5757 to see what a difference a whole house fan can have on your electricity bills and the comfort of your home. Ask us about our 60-day satisfaction guarantee too!