Quiet Cool Whole House Fan 2015 Rebates

When looking to cool your home, instead of turning to your air conditioner, why not try a QuietCool whole house fan? Your whole home can be cooled up to 30 degrees; 50 degrees for your attic.

You can immediately feel 10 degrees cooler upon turning it on and save up to 90 percent on your energy bill. You can breathe in fresh air, reduce airborne sickness, and control mildew & mold just by using a whole house fan. It is energy efficient and a sound investment.

Plus, you still have time to get a rebate for 2015 for the purchase of a whole house fan! What more could you ask for?

2015 Rebates on Whole House Fans
There are a whole slew of rebates for whole house fans that utility companies all over California (and throughout country for that matter) are offering. Here are a sample of a few of them.

Alliant Energy offers a $125 Rebate on Whole House Fans (scroll to the bottom on that link to see it).

Anaheim Public Utilities offers a $200 Rebate per unit (use to be $100). You can get more information on their rebates program by calling 714-765-4250 or visiting their website.

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) offers a $200 rebate per unit.

Redding Electric Utility offers a $250 rebate per unit.

For a comprehensive list of whole house fan rebates, you can visit the rebates page on the QuietCool Systems website. Keep in mind that this list is for informational purposes only. Some offers have limited funding and may change without notice. Check with your local utility company for rebate requirements and availability. Rebates differ from state to state, city to city, and utility company to utility company. Find available rebates from the list on the right and click on the links for more information.

Investing in a whole house fan is a wise choice and among the smartest investments homeowners can make. The issue in the past, however, was that with the older whole house fans, when you turned them on, they were very loud; almost like you had a helicopter in your home. Because of this, many people would turn them off after only a couple minutes use, which wasn’t as effective as they otherwise could be . This is not to say the older model whole house fans didn’t work; they worked extremely well. Luckily, QuietCool came around and re-invented the whole house fan into a much quieter model that is very energy efficient as well.

When using a whole house fan, you can effectively cool down your entire home by drawing in the outdoors air. There is no need to turn on your air conditioning since the fan cools your home morning, evening and night in the summer months. Actually, it is suggested that you don’t use your AC unit while using a whole house fan since the AC unit’s cool air will only be released out of the home and replaced by the outdoors air.