Whole House Fan Sizing Tips
Getting a whole house fan is a simple solution to a complicated problem that includes high bills, wasted energy, poor comfort, indoor air pollution, and structural damage. While buying and installing a whole house fan is easy, you need to ensure you get the right whole house fan for your home and where you live.
What is Whole House Fan Sizing?
Why are there different sized whole house fans to begin with? Because every home is different and there is no one-size-fits-all whole house fan.
Why not? Because the size of your home, the climate of where you live, and your own personal preferences all affect which size of whole house fan is right for you.
Getting the Wrong Whole House Fan
If you get a whole house fan that is too big for your home, it means that your fan is too powerful. The result will be a strong breeze and a buildup of pressure in your home, especially if you don’t open enough windows.
Getting the wrong fan can also lead to efficiency problems. If your fan is too powerful for your home, you’ll be wasting energy and lose out on performance. Remember, your whole house fan is supposed to be energy-saving.
If you get a whole house fan that is too small and not strong enough for the square footage of your home then you’ll be left without enough ventilation your home needs to cool down properly.
Tips for Sizing Your Whole House Fan
Consider your climate. Whole house fans are most effective in climates that experience cooler nights. If you live in a hot, dry climate that stays hot during the night, a whole house fan may not be suitable for your home.
Measure the square footage of your home. If you can’t remember your square footage, or you’re unsure of how accurate the figure you’re familiar with is, you’ll need to calculate the square footage of your home yourself.
Measure the length and width of each room in your home and multiply these numbers to get the square footage of each room. Then add up the square footage of each room to get the total square footage of your house, condo, or apartment.
- Determine your home’s required airflow capacity When we talk about sizing a whole house fan, we’re talking about its airflow capacity. A higher airflow relates to a larger space.
The airflow capacity for whole house fans is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM) and measures the amount of air a fan can move per minute.
Use your square footage to determine the CFM you require. A good rule of thumb is that you want to double your square footage to get the desired CFM. For example, if your home is 1,000 sq ft, you’ll want a whole house fan with a CFM of around 2,000. However, if you have high ceilings in your home, you’ll want to triple this number.
If you need help figuring out the right size whole house fan for your needs, we’re here to help!
Give us a call - 1-661-775-5979