Whole House Fan Blog

  • Spring Air Conditioning Task Checklist

    As the temperature starts to rise in the spring, it's essential to prepare your air conditioning system to ensure that it runs efficiently and effectively throughout the summer months. Neglecting to maintain your air conditioning system can lead to higher energy bills and a breakdown during the hot summer months. Inflationary times have led to an increase in the cost of everything, including cooling costs, which makes it crucial to prepare your air conditioning system for the summer.

    Here is a spring air conditioning task checklist to help you get started.

  • Top Reasons to Replace Your Attic Fan This Spring

    An attic fan is an essential component of your home’s cooling system, especially during the warm months. It helps regulate the temperature of your attic and prevents heat buildup, which can affect the comfort of your living spaces and lead to increased energy costs.

    If you haven’t replaced your home attic fan in a while, spring is the perfect time to do so. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top reasons why you should replace your attic fan this spring.

  • Whole House Fan Adapters

    Whole house fans are a fantastic way to keep your home cool and comfortable, especially during the hot summer months. They work by drawing in cool ...
  • Does an Attic Fan Help Cool Your Second Floor?

    If you're looking for a way to cool your home during the hot summer months, an attic fan might be just the solution you need. Attic fans are designed to draw hot air out of your attic, which can help to reduce the temperature on your second floor and improve overall comfort in your home. In this blog post, we'll explore how attic fans work, the benefits of using an attic fan, and how they can help to cool your second floor.

  • What are the Best Whole House Fans for Air Circulation?

    Whole house fans are a great way to improve air circulation in your home and keep it comfortable during the summer months. They work by drawing in cool air from the outside and expelling hot air from the inside, creating a comfortable and refreshing indoor environment. Plus, they can drastically improve indoor air quality by getting rid of air pollutants in the home.

    While whole house fans are a great addition to every home, it can be hard to know where to start. Whole house fans are not designed as a one-size-fits-all and there are a lot of options out there. Below, we’ll go over a few of our favorites.

  • The Differences Between Whole House Fans and Quiet Cool Garage Fans

    Your garage is just as important as the rest of your home, so you should never hesitate to protect your car and other belongings from moisture damage and heat. A Quiet Cool garage fan is all you need to keep your garage properly ventilated, making it a worthy investment.
  • Home Attic Fan—Is It a Good Choice for Your Home?

    What’s the best cooling solution for your home? Most people might think that an air conditioner is their only option, but home attic fans are also an excellent alternative. Unlike air conditioning units, attic fans tend to be more energy efficient and cheaper to run.

  • Can You Install a Garage Exhaust Fan by Yourself?

    Garage exhaust fans can be installed in the ceiling or outside wall of the garage to vent air out of the space. Ductwork or hoses connect to the exhaust fan, and the fan uses the hose to pull air from the garage to the outside.

    Installing a garage exhaust fan can be a great way to improve the air quality in your garage and reduce the amount of heat and humidity that builds up in the space. Not only can this make your garage more comfortable to work in, but it makes the air in your garage safer to breathe.

    But can you install a garage exhaust fan by yourself? With the right tools and a little bit of know-how, installing a garage exhaust fan can be a relatively straightforward DIY project.

  • Do's and Don'ts of Whole House Ventilation

    Whole house ventilation is a crucial part of keeping your home comfortable and healthy.  Many modern houses are well-insulated but aren’t necessarily well-ventilated. The result can be a home that traps heat in the summer, and traps moisture and pollutants year-round. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the do's and don'ts of whole house ventilation.

  • Can You Use a Whole House Fan Year Round?

    A whole house fan can be a great addition to your home, providing a cost-effective and energy-efficient way to cool and ventilate your home. But can you use a whole house fan year round? The answer is yes, you can! Contrary to popular belief, whole house fans aren’t only used during the summer. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons to use a whole house fan during each season and the benefits of whole house fans in general.

  • Are Whole House Fans Worth the Money?

    Whole house fans have been gaining popularity among homeowners as a way to cool their homes and save money on energy bills. But are whole house fans worth the investment? The answer is yes, whole house fans are a great investment for homeowners looking to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and save money on cooling costs.

  • Quiet Cooling and Energy-Saving Whole House Fans — A Quality Product

    It costs money to be comfortable. Running a high-end air conditioner eight hours a day, for example, will likely cost you over $211 a month. But lu...